Obtaining First and Second Order Nomoto Models of a Fluvial Support Patrol using Identification Techniques


  • Sandra Carrillo Escuela Naval de Cadetes Almirante Padilla, Cartagena, Colombia
  • Juan Contreras Escuela Naval de Cadetes Almirante Padilla, Cartagena, Colombia




second order Nomoto model, coefficients of Nomoto, maneuverability, system identification, gray box model


In this paper we present a method for obtaining a second order Nomoto model that describes the yaw dynamic of a Patrol River Boat. This model is obtained from experimental input and output data gathered from the turning circle maneuver. System identifications techniques and a gray box model are employed to find the coefficients of the Nomoto model.  The results of the identification process as well as the results of validation process are presented


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How to Cite

Carrillo, S., & Contreras, J. (2018). Obtaining First and Second Order Nomoto Models of a Fluvial Support Patrol using Identification Techniques. Ship Science & Technology, 11(22), 19–28. https://doi.org/10.25043/19098642.160



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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