VORGES - A procedural Model for Total Ship System Engineering Develop by MTG MARINETECHNIK


  • André Neumann




Model, Total ship system engineering, planning


Naval vessels are highly complex and sophisticated systems. The core issue concerning the planning of a future naval vessel is to identify operational needs, respective requirements and corresponding technical solutions, which are afordable in line with the budget. Due to the complexity of a naval vessel, it is impossible to answer thisquestion by assigning a specific amount of money to a specific requirement. To address this issue, MTG developed the procedural model for total ship system engineering – called VORGES (VOrgehensmodell GEsamtentwurf Schiff) – that starts in the very early planning phase, enabling the procuring authority to generate a referencedesign that balances functional and technical requirements with the available budget. VORGES is an iterative and flexible process of continuous evolution that additionally involves the customer and end-user. With respectto user requirements, VORGES includes the generation of several conceptual and preliminary designs at different detail levels. The resulting design alternatives will be evaluated and compared against each other for critical factorslike life cycle costs, project risks, military performance or requirements fulfilment. This will enable the procuring authority to make a comprehensive decision for the optimum design at the highest e#ciency level of budget expenditure, hence, resulting in the formulation of the technical requirements for procurement.


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Author Biography

André Neumann

MTG Marinetechnik GmbH, Germany






How to Cite

Neumann, A. (2014). VORGES - A procedural Model for Total Ship System Engineering Develop by MTG MARINETECHNIK. Ship Science & Technology, 8(15), 9–23. https://doi.org/10.25043/19098642.99



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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