Identification and Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Navigation Systems of Autonomus Vehicles
identification, root locus, PID control, fuzzy PI control, self-tuningAbstract
This article presents a simple method to generate the automatic course control of surface naval vehicles by using fuzzy logic to adjust the parameters of the PID controller. The fuzzy systems constructedto automatically adapt the parameters of the PID controller are Mamdani type and use functions oftriangular relevance for the antecedent and the consequent. An application to a real model is presented,exposing the identification process to obtain the mathematical model from experimental data, thetemporal analysis from the mathematical model, obtain the parameters from the PI controller, and theresults on course changes between 125° and 305°. Thereafter, and bearing in mind the range of Kp and Ti parameters in which the system is stable, a structure of a self-tunable fuzzy PI controller was presentedand implemented with notable improvement in the response system.Downloads
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