Analysis of Dynamic Stability of Planing Craft on the Vertical Plane


  • Roberto Algarín
  • Oscar Tascón



Slamming, Porpoising, planing boats, dynamic stability


A dynamic model for the motion of planing craft on the vertical plane was developed; the motions ofsurge, heave, and pitch are coupled. Critical conditions that produce the inception of instability are evaluated. The Wagner model (1932) for 2D impact is extended for section with knuckles. Planing hullswere analyzed through the application of slender body theory. The results are compared with Tveitnes(2001), Peterson (1997), Savitsky (1964), Troesch (1992) and Celano (1998).


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Author Biographies

Roberto Algarín

COTECMAR. Research, Development, and Innovation Department. Cartagena, Colombia

Oscar Tascón

COTECMAR. Research, Development, and Innovation Department. Cartagena, Colombia


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How to Cite

Algarín, R., & Tascón, O. (2014). Analysis of Dynamic Stability of Planing Craft on the Vertical Plane. Ship Science & Technology, 8(15), 35–43.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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