Mission Configurable Modular Craft Concept Study
planing, high-speed craft, multi-hulls, seakeepingAbstract
This work illustrates how modern high speed craft design tools may be effectively used to evaluate innovative concepts for which empirical data may be limited. The example presented here was motivated by the US Navy’s interest in a finding a replacement for, or complement to, the USN Special Operations Forces’ Mark V high speed craft. Given the conflicting demands of restricted size and weight imposed by air transportability and broad mission requirements, a modular, multi-hull configuration is proposed and studied. The boat parameter space that influences calm water performance, sea keeping accelerations, and structural loads is explored. A proposed trimaran concept shows how intelligent placement of outer, or wing hulls can, in principle, mitigate shock loads and lower resistance, but with the cost of increased structural complexity and potentially a heavier craft.Downloads
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