Estabilidad dinámica de buques en olas
stability, movement on waves, dynamic modes, rough inclination, parametric resonanceAbstract
The present work is about ship stability with an emphasis on the relationship it has with the movement of the waves, in order to introduce a discussion about the dynamic modes which lead to anguish at severe sea: simple loss of stability, rough inclination and parametric resonance.We present a summary on the occurrence and relevance of the rough inclination in stern sea and the parametric resonance in prow sea, for shallow-draft vessels. In order to study the influence of different parameters, two shallow-draft vessels are investigated for some speeds and conditions of load, in which rough inclination was reported in stern sea and parametric resonance in sea front. Experimental results are compared with numeric simulations, in order to, finally, discuss the use of stabilizing tanks in the control of parametric resonance.
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