Stability of Ships with a Single Stranding Point


  • Paula C. de Sousa Bastos Technical School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Marta C. Tapia Reyes Technical School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



stranding, single point, stability, algorithm, refloating


During rescue operations of stranded vessels, it is essential to make immediate and reliable decisions to optimize the successful salvage potential and minimize risks of environmental damages and cost impacts. Pursuant to this scenario, the need arises for a numerical tool, which can more accurately forecast the stability conditions experienced by a vessel after running aground and help in the refloating operations of the unit. This study seeks to develop an adequate calculus systematization, which provides analytical capabilities for operational situations in case of stranding, thereby, supporting the decisionmaking process in these risk situations.


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U.S. Navy Salvage Manual - Volume 1 - Strandings And Harbor Clearance - Published by Direction of Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command.

Mecânica do Navio, Estática – Parte V - Equilíbrio De Corpos Parcialmente Flutuantes.

Ship Structure Committee 2003 - Predicting Motion and Structural Loads in Stranded Ships, Phase 1.

HECSALV Salvage / Emergency Response Software – Developed and Supported by Herbert Software Solutions, Inc.

SSTAB Software – Desenvolvido por CENPES / Petrobras e Grupo de Tecnologia em Computação Gráfica (TeCGraf) / PUC-Rio de Janeiro.




How to Cite

de Sousa Bastos, P. C., & Tapia Reyes, M. C. (2014). Stability of Ships with a Single Stranding Point. Ship Science & Technology, 7(14), 15–26.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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