Caracterización mecánica y microestructural de acero naval sometido a cargas dinámicas por explosión


  • José A. Alarcón Ahumada
  • Juan Fajardo Cuadro
  • Jairo Useche Vivero
  • Carlos Cano Restrepo
  • Diana Ramírez Wilches


grade A ASTM A 131 steel, explosions, plastic deformation, destructive testing, non destructive testing, naval panels


The work presents the mechanical and micro-structural characterization of the grade A ASTM A 131 steel laminate that form naval panels (reinforced laminate with defined ratios aspect l/b), attained by means of destructive testing, to establish the mechanical response of naval structures submitted to those types of charges. Measurements of micro-hardness, grain size and tension tests of specimens of the material were carried out before and after the impact. The material hit was selected from structural panels submitted to controlled explosions generated nearby with 25g charges of pentolite, placed at predetermined distances. For the characterization, panels with the presence of fissures were rejected. Important variations in micro-hardness and mechanical characteristics appeared; nevertheless, significant micro-structural changes were not observed in grain size.


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How to Cite

Alarcón Ahumada, J. A., Fajardo Cuadro, J., Useche Vivero, J., Cano Restrepo, C., & Ramírez Wilches, D. (2008). Caracterización mecánica y microestructural de acero naval sometido a cargas dinámicas por explosión. Ship Science & Technology, 1(2), 17–26. Retrieved from



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