A Truly Sustainable Digital Transformation Model for the Naval Sector


  • Gustavo Velandia Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, Bogotá D.C.




industry 4.0, digital transformation, naval, digitalization


This document aims to show the meaning and real implications of implementing a Digital Transformation in the naval sector, explaining its three components (People - Processes - Technology), as well as the consequences of the bad practices of its application through real cases of global resonance. Subsequently, an approximation to the requirements to carry it out in an adequate and sustainable manner are stated, by understanding the concepts of the executive level that will help strategic alignment and the application of tools to achieve it, and then explain how to design and execute a Digital Transformation Strategy in any organization. Finally, a model to create a sustainable Digital Naval Industry is offered, leveraged by Industry 4.0 technologies, presenting mechanisms such as the creation of a national and regional naval cluster, which allows free exchange of data and open information in real time, whose enabler will be the Unified NameSpace (UNS).


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Author Biography

Gustavo Velandia, Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, Bogotá D.C.

Armada de Colombia, Jefatura de Material, Dirección de Gestión Tecnológica.


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How to Cite

Velandia, G. (2023). A Truly Sustainable Digital Transformation Model for the Naval Sector. Ship Science & Technology, 16(32), 33–42. https://doi.org/10.25043/19098642.97



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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