The Most Recent Noise & Vibration Assessment of the European Fleet, within the Framework of the “SILENV Project”
Noise, Vibration, Noise radiated to harbour, Noise radiated to the water, Underwater footprintAbstract
The EU’s new “Green Policy” to reduce the environmental impact of all types of vessels is generating new Directives that shall affect the Shipbuilding Industry. As a direct consequence, an intense debate has been opened with the participation of all the players involved: the European Commission, Marine Institutions, Shipbuilding Industry, Marine Sector, and Scientific Community. Participation of the authors in the SILENV, BESST, and AQUO projects within the FP7 has permitted noticing that for the complete assessment of the ships’ environmental impact it is essential to introduce the new so-called Noise & Vibration – Full Signature indicator. In addition to the well-known topics of Noise & Vibration (N&V) on board, it includes new ones: Noise Radiated to Harbour and Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) by the ships. Both, but especially the latter (URN) became the most outstanding novelty and the biggest challenge to be technically solved. In this sense, it is essential to know the “Starting Point”: How far is the current European Fleet from the Standard Regulations and from other Directives that will soon be compulsory? And which are the technical reasons and root causes of these deviations? To address these issues within the framework of the SILENV Project, the most recent N&V database compiled with 171 ships from the European Fleet and 12,000 N&V experimental data have been assessed. It became the largest ever N&V database in the marine sector, as well as a complete novelty. Therefore, the results, conclusions and recommendations obtained from it are of paramount importance to support current policies of the EC and other Marine Institutions that focus their efforts on combating the environmental impact of the ships.
DIRECTIVE 2003/10/EC “Minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of the workers to the risk arising from physical agents (noise)”.
DIRECTIVE 2006/87/EC. ”Laying down technical requirements for inland waterway vessels and repealing Council Directive 82/714/EEC”. 12th of December 2006.
DIRECTIVE 2008/56/EC. “Establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive). 17th of June 2008.
IMO RESOLUTION A.468 (XII). Code on noise levels on board ships. Adopted on 19 November 1981.
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 6954-1984. “Mechanical vibration and shock- Guidelines for the overall evaluation of vibration in merchant ships”.
PUBLIO B. /J.I. DIÁZ /R. SALINAS. “Achievement of the new underwater RADIATED NOISE requirements by the Spanish shipbuilding industry. The FRV “Ramón Margalef”.
PUBLIO BELTRÁN. “Shipbuilding and new requirements to reduce the environmental impact of ships: New technological challenges and business opportunities”. Ship Science and Technology, Vol. 5 -nº 10. January 2012. (

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