Smoothing warships movements based on wavelets


  • J.M. Riola Royal Navy of Spain. C/Arturo Soria, 289. Madrid. Spain.
  • J.M. Girón Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Plaza Ciencias, s/n. Madrid. Spain.
  • J.J. Díaz Isdefe. C/Beatriz de Bobadilla, 3. Madrid. Spain.



quiescent period, wavelet, ship motions, seakeeping, control, hydrodinamics


In seakeeping terminology, the Quiescent Period is known as the period of calm in rough waters to allow the ship to perform operations such as landing aircrafts and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), aswell as the entry of landing crafts in the basin. Quiescence refers to the interval of time where all ship motions are within acceptable limits to perform a desired activity. Among the key issues for Quiescent Period Prediction is to be able to measure waves from a suitable distance and predict ship motions in response to waves encountered; both aspects are crucial and must be taken into account. Many of the opearations performed at sea are carried under severe weather conditions, as a result of this situation there is a need to determine this called “window of opportunity” that allows carrying them out. The paper aims to explain from the point of view of Quiescent Period Prediction, the most promising wave measurement systems, which are currently based on radar, but the main question is that if we want predictions a few seconds ahead, it will be appropriate to measure waves at a distance of some hundreds of meters, describing the new mathematical model based on wavelets in determining the spread of the waves from their initial measurement until they reach the vessel.


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How to Cite

Riola, J., Girón, J., & Díaz, J. (2013). Smoothing warships movements based on wavelets. Ship Science & Technology, 6(12), 51–62.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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