Zero Pollution: design of a river tourist pontoon with electric propulsion based on hydrogen fuel cell
Naval Architecture, Design, Hydrogen fuel cell, Pontoon, Catamaran, EnvironmentAbstract
Environmental logistics in Colombian river areas requires solutions that allow economic development based on tourism, without ecological degradation. Therefore, this paper shows the most relevant aspects of the project and preliminary design of a Pontoon-type vessel with a catamaran hull of 8 meters in length with enough power to reach a speed of 5 knots (85%MCR) and built in aluminum, which will also have electric propulsion based on a hydrogen fuel cell, and using renewable energies such as solar panels on the roof and a wind turbine. One of its main characteristics is that it will be a pollution-free ship and its classification will be done following the regulations of the Bureau Veritas, and all those national and international regulations that are applicable. Due to the problems generated by the daily use of the different means river transportation, which undoubtedly, could generate an irreversible affectation to the environment and a considerable loss of biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems, which worsens over time, this prototype design might be presented to national shipbuilding, as a possibility for designing eco-friendly tourist vessels for the country's river areas, as an example for future constructions that are expected with the rise of tourism in the country.
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