The draughtsman of architecture and engineering in the naval, maritime and fluvial industry of Cartagena
Naval Industry, Draughtsmen, Draftsman, Modellers, DrawingAbstract
Careers and industry tend to go hand in hand with the references that are formed throughout their history, but there are careers hidden from them, without demeriting their importance in their process and growth. The Architectural and Engineering Draughtsmen are professional technologists who are active in the Naval Industry and little is referred to them as an associated profession. However, for all those who are immersed in this industry, the work they perform and their recognition in supporting the achievement of projects in the different design and construction stages is very clear. What is really worth highlighting in them, is the growth and evolution they have taken in this industry.
The times when the draughtsman transcribed ideas into drawings and plans is on the verge of extinction. Today, trained personnel is required and available to develop virtual models giving characteristics associated with the properties of each element and its integration into the total function of the project. These technologists have the experience and specific knowledge in the industry, and become the right hand of designers, engineers and builders, to develop designs from their basic stage to the closure of projects, with the confidence that they can receive alarms and ideas that make possible the completion of each job. For this reason, they take the name of designers or modelers according to the particular case of the company for which they work.
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