Navantia’s Shipyard 4.0 model overview
Industry 4.0, Shipyard 4.0, Navantia, Plan de Transformación IndustrialAbstract
Navantia finished the analysis of the concept Industry 4.0 in 2016 and its application to the naval shipbuilding industry, referred to herein as Shipyard 4.0. The implementation process has begun with several projects that involved various technologies. In order to incorporate them in the new project, for naval vessels and systems, special focus has been put in the future F-110 frigate.
This document aims to provide an overview of the Shipyard 4.0 model and a brief discussion regarding the projects launched for its implementation in Navantia. The initiative 4.0 is a key development vector across all the industrial sectors in the future and its expected outcomes match the ones established by the Government of Colombia in its “Plan de Transformación Industrial” (Plan of Industrial Transformation). In this context, the new frigate program (PES) is a unique opportunity to engage the local industry, in which Navantia offers its willingness to cooperate.
KLAUS SCHWAB, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, World Economic Forum, p.p. 11, 36.
Office of the Industry-Science Research Alliance, “Recommendations for implementing the strategic initiative INDUSTRIE 4.0”, ACATECH-National Academy of Science and
MICHAEL E. PORTER and JAMES E. HEPPELMANN, “How Smart Connected Products Are Transforming Companies”, Harvard Business Review, p.p. 6, 7.
GEORGE WETERMAN, DIDAR BONET and ANDREW MCAFEE, “Leading digital”, Harvard Business Review Press, p.p. 109.

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