Inter-firm cooperation strategies to develop environmental best practices in the Colombian shipyard industry


  • Ana V Céspedes COTECMAR. Environmental Analyst. Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Alejandro D Sejnaui COTECMAR. R&D Program Manager. Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Milena M Ortega COTECMAR. R&D Programs Management Division Chief. Cartagena, Colombia.



best practices, environmental management, shipyard, colombian shipyard industry


The present work aims to develop strategies that allow implementingenvironmental best practices in the Colombian shipyard industry, a sector that has been growing for the last decade and that is identified as a potential world-class industry in the country. Collaborative work was carried out with four of the biggest Colombian shipyards and an international firm to identify legal and operational issues regarding the industrial activity, to reach unified consensus to represent the whole sector. Finally, an environmentalbest practices document was elaborated to guideshipyard operationsin the country, with the potential to be constituted as an official guide of the Colombian Ministry for the Environment.


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How to Cite

Céspedes, A. V., Sejnaui, A. D., & Ortega, M. M. (2012). Inter-firm cooperation strategies to develop environmental best practices in the Colombian shipyard industry. Ship Science & Technology, 5(10), 99–105.



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