Methodology for the Experimental Analysis of Offshore System in Deep and Ultra-Deep Waters in the Colombia Caribbean Sea


  • Edgard Mulford Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
  • Jairo Cabrera Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Faculty of Engineering, Cartagena



Experimental analysis, offshore ocean structures, Semi-submersible, instrumentation, reduced scale model


Historically, different methodologies of experimental analysis of naval and oceanic structures oriented to the execution of controlled experimental tests in facilities capable of reproducing environmental conditions specific to their operating locations have been developed. These methodologies enable the efficient design of oceanic structures, the minimization of production costs and the generation of scientific knowledge. This article details the design of an experimental analysis methodology for semi-submersible offshore systems for deep and ultra-deep water fields, obtaining satisfactory results, and the validity of the procedure as an important contribution to the phases of semi-submersible platform design, a concept selected as appropriate for the areas of interest of the Colombian Caribbean


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How to Cite

Mulford, E., & Cabrera, J. (2018). Methodology for the Experimental Analysis of Offshore System in Deep and Ultra-Deep Waters in the Colombia Caribbean Sea. Ship Science & Technology, 11(22), 49–61.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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