Implementation of a methodology to design evaluation models in Technology Transfer projects


  • Vladimir Díaz Charris
  • Wilbhert Castro Celis
  • Stefany Marrugo Llorente



assessment models, measurement of performance, effectiveness, cost, risk, technology transfer, naval system


This document introduces the implementation and development of a methodology for the establishment of an assessment model used by COTECMAR and the Colombian National Navy (Armada Nacional de Colombia), which allows for the valuation of different strategies or routes in technology transfer projects that are in conceptual or definition phase. is model contains different attributes that may be parametrized, according to the ponderation of the variables that represent the development of a project. In addition, the application of this model, allows for the decision-making process to be assessed quantitatively, based on the best relation between the effectiveness measures, cost and risk. 


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Author Biographies

Vladimir Díaz Charris

Mechatronic Engineer, M.Sc. Electronic Engineering, COTECMAR Researcher. Cartagena, Colombia. 

Wilbhert Castro Celis

Naval Engineer – Sp. Electronics, Master Defense Technologies, Chief of R+D department at COTECMAR, Cartagena, Colombia. 

Stefany Marrugo Llorente

Electronic Engineer, M.Sc. Electronic Engineering, COTECMAR Researcher. Cartagena, Colombia. 


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How to Cite

Díaz Charris V., Castro Celis, W., & Marrugo Llorente, S. (2017). Implementation of a methodology to design evaluation models in Technology Transfer projects. Ship Science & Technology, 10(20), 59–66.



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