Waste reduction in Rectangular Figure Cutting using a Genetic Algorithm


  • Juan C. Rodríguez Noriega
  • Jairo R. Coronado-Hernández
  • Sergio Leottau




Genetic Algorithm, bin packing problem, metaheuristic


This paper introduces a genetic algorithm (GA) to minimize the waste produced during the cutting process of rectangular figures on a sheet. The chromosomes for solution codification use an object-based representation. It has the following operator: Partially Mapped Crossover (PMX), mutation based in double interchange (2-opt), and the elitism strategy for the selection process. The proposed algorithm was applied in a real case situation problem, where the numbers of items were 55 pieces. The result of this implementation was a reduction of the waste as a result of the decrease in the number of sheets used in the cutting process and at the same time an effective employment of the used area. 


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Author Biographies

Juan C. Rodríguez Noriega

Industrial Engineer. Independent consultant.

Jairo R. Coronado-Hernández

Industrial Engineering PhD. Associate Researcher at Grupo LOGER 

Sergio Leottau

Systems Engineer. Development Engineer at PayU América Latina. 


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Noriega J. C., Coronado-Hernández J. R., & Leottau, S. (2016). Waste reduction in Rectangular Figure Cutting using a Genetic Algorithm. Ship Science & Technology, 10(19), 19–26. https://doi.org/10.25043/19098642.138



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