Latam Shipbuilding Competitiveness
shipyards, shipbuilding competitive factors, LATAM shipbuilding industryAbstract
After an introduction on the region’s shipbuilding industry, it moves into an analysis of some aspects of this industry’s competitiveness, comparing Latin American (LatAm) shipyards with those of other regions with more developed industries. Among the m se aspects are: productivity, learning curve, specialization, labor cost, delivery times and government policies.
Second part deals with specific opportunities for domestic shipyards and ideas for developing their competitive advantages to generate value and social impact in the region, while safeguarding the environment. Six niches or opportunities are presented here, which are in all cases related to casting a new regard on Nature in our region. Nature being understood as the sum of natural resources, with the riches in fishery and offshore hydrocarbons standing out among them, but also those of the broad navigable rivers and lastly that of a privileged geographical position in terms of the extreme closeness to the Antarctic.
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