Concepts and Conclusions from the “2010 Pan- American Advanced Studies Institute on Dynamics and Control of Manned and Unmanned Marine Vehicles”
PASI, marine vehicles, autonomous, unmannedAbstract
In the summer of 2010, the first ever NSF’s Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) in Colombia was held in Barranquilla and Cartagena. The two-week institute brought together researchers of the Americas to discuss topics related to dynamics and control of manned and unmanned marine vehicles. This paper presents a summary of the program organization and findings, along with lecturer and participant feedback. It is intended to serve as a lead-in to the technical papers by PASI participants contained in this special edition of Ship Science & Technology.Downloads
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AUVSI, “Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems
International,”, accessed July 2010.
NSF, “Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes Program (PASI),” pubs/2010/nsf10517/nsf10517.htm, accessed August 2010.
SNAME, “The official site of SeaPerch,”, accessed: July, 2010.

How to Cite
McCue, L., Sanjuan, M., & Hubbard, R. (2010). Concepts and Conclusions from the “2010 Pan- American Advanced Studies Institute on Dynamics and Control of Manned and Unmanned Marine Vehicles”. Ship Science & Technology, 4(7), 9–20.
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