Current and Potential Contribution of the Colombian Ministry of Defense to the National River Master Plan and the Accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals through COTECMAR


  • Edwin Giovanny Paipa Sanabria Cotecmar
  • Henry Murcia Fernández Cotecmar



River Master Plan, Sustainable Development Goals, Gap, Project Portfolio


This article aims to present the current and potential contributions made by the Ministry of National Defense through the Corporation of Science and Technology for the Development of the Naval Maritime and River Industry - COTECMAR - and the National Navy to the River Master Plan and to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Objectives defined in the United Nations Agenda 2030. To this end, the contributions that have been generated so far are explored, such as the case of the river piers, the pilot project for the River Information System (RIS) and the integration of the Small Vessels Committee that is essential for the operation of a future National Port Agency. Likewise, potential solutions that can operate to meet regional needs in health, education, transport, tourism, etc. are highlighted. Finally, the opportunity to integrate the ODS, the development plans and the River Master Plan in the structuring of interregional project portfolios focused on closing social gaps in Colombia is foreseen.


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Author Biographies

Edwin Giovanny Paipa Sanabria, Cotecmar

Designer at COTECMAR – Design and Engineering Office.

Henry Murcia Fernández, Cotecmar

Researcher at COTECMAR – Science, Technology and Innovation Management Office.


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How to Cite

Paipa Sanabria, E. G., & Murcia Fernández, H. (2020). Current and Potential Contribution of the Colombian Ministry of Defense to the National River Master Plan and the Accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals through COTECMAR. Ship Science & Technology, 14(27), 25–37.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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