Conceptual design of a 20 TBP port tugboat for the "Bahía Málaga" ARC Naval Base
Bollard pull, autonomy, advance Resistance, Van OortmerssenAbstract
This work is part of the development of a conceptual proposal for a 20-ton bollard pull harbor tug, for the support of vessels no greater than 7,500 tons of displacement with safety standards for port maneuvers within the jurisdictional areas of the Colombian maritime authority (DIMAR) for the Colombian Navy.
The design of this vessel was focused in providing the best opportunities to take into account, because the Colombian Navy fleet will have new vessels with greater displacement by the year 2030, this growth will be require the acquisition of new tugs.
The execution of this design was based on the regulation of the "American Bureau of Shipping", abbreviated ABS, complying with all the specifications and parameters of a harbor tug.
The Colombian Navy units of this type are currently boats whose useful life is over 5 years, which entails unsafe maneuvering, risking human lives and the units themselves. Currently, the Navy requires new towing services to comply with its institutional mission.
This project seeks to develop a conceptual design for future projects to undertake the construction of this vessel. In this way, we will be fulfill the development objectives of the Strategic Surface Force the Faro 2030 Plan.
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