New implementation of Work Sampling Analysis for validating the Present Idle Time Indicator of Maintenance and Ship Repairing Business Line of Cotecmar


  • Carlos Ochoa Universidad de Cartagena.
  • Henry Murcia COTECMAR – Science, Technology and Innovation Management Office.
  • Raúl Fuciños COTECMAR – Science, Technology and Innovation Management Office.
  • Karen Domínguez COTECMAR – Science, Technology and Innovation Management Office.



Work Sampling, Probability Sampling, Idle Times


This article is focused on the implementation of the Work Sampling technique at the Science and Technology Corporation for the development of the Naval, Maritime and Riverine Industry – COTECMAR, more specifically in the Production Department of the Maintenance and Ship Repair Management located in Mamonal facilities; in order to know the percentage of idle times in performed productive processes and to identify the main triggers, through the estimation of the proportion of time played in specifics activities in a certain period of time, using instantaneous observations of work areas and employing probability sampling to generalize the findings. 


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Author Biographies

Carlos Ochoa, Universidad de Cartagena.

Universidad de Cartagena. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Henry Murcia, COTECMAR – Science, Technology and Innovation Management Office.

COTECMAR – Science, Technology and Innovation Management Office. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

Raúl Fuciños, COTECMAR – Science, Technology and Innovation Management Office.

COTECMAR – Science, Technology and Innovation Management Office. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. 

Karen Domínguez, COTECMAR – Science, Technology and Innovation Management Office.

COTECMAR – Science, Technology and Innovation Management Office. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. 


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How to Cite

Ochoa, C., Murcia, H., Fuciños R., & Domínguez K. (2017). New implementation of Work Sampling Analysis for validating the Present Idle Time Indicator of Maintenance and Ship Repairing Business Line of Cotecmar. Ship Science & Technology, 10(20), 9–18.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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