Underwater Multi-influence Measurements as a Mean to Characterize the Overall Vessel Signature and Protect the Marine Environment


  • Antonio Sánchez García Joint-stock company of Submarine Electronics (SAES).
  • Adolfo Hernández Solano Joint-stock company of Submarine Electronics (SAES).
  • Francisco J. Rodrigo Saura Joint-stock company of Submarine Electronics (SAES).
  • Patricio Muñoz Esparza Joint-stock company of Submarine Electronics (SAES).




vessel signature, multi-influence, underwater measurement, environmental protection, portable systems


The overall signature of a vessel comprises acoustic, magnetic, electric-field, pressure, and seismic radiations. Over the past years, the international community’s efforts have mainly centered on reducing the acoustic influence with the dual aim of decreasing the vessel’s detectability and reducing the levels of acoustic pollution generated in the marine environment. Nowadays, the need to act not only on the acoustic radiation but against the overall set of the vessel’s radiations is becoming increasingly clear, both in the military and the civilian fields, based on aspects like vessel stealthiness, security of harbor and critical infrastructures, and environmental protection. As a key element to achieve this goal, it is greatly important to have at our disposal highly modular and adaptable measurement systems covering the overall set of the vessel’s radiations, with a high capacity of data transmission to base centers to have the capacity to make measurements in all kinds of marine environments.


Author Biographies

Antonio Sánchez García, Joint-stock company of Submarine Electronics (SAES).

Joint-stock company of Submarine Electronics (SAES).

Adolfo Hernández Solano, Joint-stock company of Submarine Electronics (SAES).

Commercial management and of Marketing.

Francisco J. Rodrigo Saura, Joint-stock company of Submarine Electronics (SAES).

Systems Engineering Department.

Patricio Muñoz Esparza, Joint-stock company of Submarine Electronics (SAES).

Systems Engineering Department


R. J. URICK. Principles of Underwater Sound. McGraw‐Hill (1993).

W. J. RICHARDSON, C. R. GREEN, C. I. MALME, D. H. THOMSON. Marine mammal and noise. Academic Press Inc. (1995).




How to Cite

Sánchez García, A., Hernández Solano, A., Rodrigo Saura, F. J., & Muñoz Esparza, P. (2014). Underwater Multi-influence Measurements as a Mean to Characterize the Overall Vessel Signature and Protect the Marine Environment. Ship Science & Technology, 7(14), 67–75. https://doi.org/10.25043/19098642.94



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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