Multiobjective Optimization of a Submarine Hull Design


  • Jaime David Mora Paz Cotecmar
  • Oscar Darío Tascón Muñoz Cotecmar



submarine design, maneuverability, slender-body theory, genetic algorithm, multiobjective optimization


A synthesis model for the concept design of a submarine is developed consisting of a parametric definition of the hull geometry, a maneuverability model based on slender-body theory, and a resistance formulation. This coupled model is suitable to be treated by a metaheuristic multiobjective optimization technique (a genetic algorithm) to find a set of design options that satisfy the need to minimize simultaneously the turning diameter and the resistance generated. According to typical data found in submarines like the one analyzed herein, the boundaries and some constraints are set for the design variables. Finally, some solutions for this design case are obtained considering the criteria adopted in this study.


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Author Biographies

Jaime David Mora Paz, Cotecmar

Co-researcher, Dirección de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación.

Oscar Darío Tascón Muñoz, Cotecmar

Director, Direcci.n de Investigaci.n, Desarrollo e Innovación


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How to Cite

Mora Paz, J. D., & Tascón Muñoz, O. D. (2014). Multiobjective Optimization of a Submarine Hull Design. Ship Science & Technology, 7(14), 27–42.



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