Isotropic Modeling of a Composite Panel of the Stern of a Fiberglass Boat Propelled by an Outboard Motor


  • Patrick Townsend Valencia Navalocean



Sandwich, module, finite, composite resin


We performed a theoretical and experimental study to define the best way to model the finite element sandwich structure aft of a fiberglass boat less than 15 meters in length, using an isotropic linear mathematical model that fits anisotropic material conditions. This is done by defining the properties of the ship’s fiberglass resin structure, which is representative of the influence of the forces acting during the glide on the geometry of the entire vessel. Formulation of the Finite Elements Method is presented, which works on the mathematical model to define the limitations of the results obtained. Isotropic material adjustment is calculated using Halpin-Tsai laws, developing its mathematical formulation for restrictions of modulus data entered as the finite element program experimentally calculated for each of the sandwich materials. The best-fit mathematical presentation to the modulus of the composite tool justifies the calculation thereof.



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Author Biography

Patrick Townsend Valencia, Navalocean

President of Naval Oceanic Consultancy S.A. Guayaquil, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Townsend Valencia, P. (2014). Isotropic Modeling of a Composite Panel of the Stern of a Fiberglass Boat Propelled by an Outboard Motor. Ship Science & Technology, 7(14), 9–14.



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