Modelado numérico de la propagación de fractura por fatiga utilizando el método de los elementos de contorno
Fracture growth propagation, boundary element method, fracture mechanicsAbstract
The work presents a computer tool based on the boundary element method (BEM), that allows the study of the propagation of fracture phenomenon in structures which have sustained cyclical efforts. The code functions to develop computer models focused on the study of residual resistance of fractured bi-dimensional components based on linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). The boundary element formulation of the problem is presented, as well as its computer implementation and its application to the specific problem analysis of fracture growth by fatigue. Fracture growth is modeled through the theory proposed by Paris, applied to the case of flat elasticity, and the criteria of maximum main efforts is used to define the direction of propagation (Portela, 1992). The BEM formulation was implemented in a computer code developed in Matlab 7.0 . The program has demonstrated effectiveness in predicting trajectories of propagation and residual resistance by fatigue, allowing its use as a tool of analysis in engineering.Downloads
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