Application of Operational Effectiveness Models in Naval Ship concept exploration and design


  • Alan J. Brown Virginia Polytechnic and State University



ship design, operational effectiveness models, systems engineering


Traditionally, the Concept and Requirements Exploration process is the first stage of ship design. Concept and Requirements Exploration responds to a stated mission need with early high-level assessment of a broad range of ship design options and technologies. Our design group uses a Multi-Objective Optimization approach to explore the design space and identify non-dominated designs ranked by cost, risk, and effectiveness. Our method of calculating effectiveness in this approach has, in the past, been based on expert opinion. In this study, the use of a more direct physics-based Operational Effectiveness Model approach is considered to provide greater confidence in the validity of effectiveness results and a perception that results are more unbiased and rational. This approach requires significant early investment. How much analysis is enough and is there significant payoff for this significant effort? This paper presents this approach and explores these questions.


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Author Biography

Alan J. Brown, Virginia Polytechnic and State University

NAVSEA Professor; Virginia Polytechnic and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA.


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How to Cite

Brown, A. J. (2013). Application of Operational Effectiveness Models in Naval Ship concept exploration and design. Ship Science & Technology, 7(13), 9–21.



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