Valoración de la efectividad antiincrustante de recubrimientos aplicados a embarcaciones que operan en la Bahía de Cartagena


  • Martha J. Meza
  • Diana M. Calixto Corporación para la Investigación de la Corrosión - CIC. Piedecuesta (Santander)
  • Lina M. Velosa Corporación para la Investigación de la Corrosión - CIC. Piedecuesta (Santander)
  • Edwin M. Acosta Corporación para la Investigación de la Corrosión - CIC. Piedecuesta (Santander)
  • Mónica Puyana Corporación para la Investigación de la Corrosión - CIC. Piedecuesta (Santander) Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales
  • José Alfredo Morales Cotecmar
  • Jorge H. Panqueva Corporación para la Investigación de la Corrosión - CIC. Piedecuesta (Santander)


bioincrustation, antifouling coating, biocide, general performance of coating, biofouling


A method to evaluate the performance was developed in this study, according to the antifouling and anticorrosive efficiency, of 6 commercial antifouling systems in the plants of Mamonal and Bocagrande in the Bay of Cartagena. The general performance of the coatings was determined through the qualification of the resistance to the biofouling and the integrity of the antifouling and of the anticorrosive film. Additionally, a follow-up of the microbiologic and photochemical parameters were carried out of the marine media in the area of exposition, according to which both zones of study presented favorable conditions for the development of organisms with high percentages of fouling coating on control coupons. In the Plant of Mamonal, the systems showed a better antifouling efficiency regarding the Plant of Bocagrande. According to the type of coating, the auto-po lishing presented a better performance compared to the soluble and insoluble type matrix coating.


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How to Cite

Meza, M. J., Calixto, D. M., Velosa, L. M., Acosta, E. M., Puyana, M., Morales, J. A., & Panqueva, J. H. (2011). Valoración de la efectividad antiincrustante de recubrimientos aplicados a embarcaciones que operan en la Bahía de Cartagena. Ship Science & Technology, 1(1), 17–26. Retrieved from



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