Metamodeling Techniques for Multidimensional Ship Design Problems
metamodeling, kriging, radial basis functions, support vector regression, metamodel-based design optimizationAbstract
Metamodels, also known as surrogate models, can be used in place of computationally expensive simulation models to increase computational efficiency for the purposes of design optimization or design space exploration. Metamodel-based design optimization is especially advantageous for ship design problems that require either computationally expensive simulations or costly physical experiments. In this paper, three metamodeling methods are evaluated with respect to their capabilities for modeling highly nonlinear, multimodal functions with incrementally increasing numbers of independent variables. Methods analyzed include kriging, radial basis functions (RBF), and support vector regression (SVR). Each metamodeling technique is used to model a set of single-output functions with dimensionality ranging from one to ten independent variables and modality ranging from one to twenty local maxima. The number of points used to train the models is increased until a predetermined error threshold is met. Results show that each of the three methods has its own distinct advantages.Downloads
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