SPH Boundary Deficiency Correction for Improved Boundary Conditions at Deformable Surfaces


  • Van Jones
  • Qing Yang
  • Leigh McCue-Weil




smoothed particle hydrodynamics SPH, SPH boundary condition


Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is a meshless, Lagrangian CFD method. SPH often utilizes static virtual particles to correct for integral deficiencies that occur near boundaries. These virtual particles, while useful in most cases, can be difficult to implement for objects which experience large deformations. As an alternative to virtual particles, a repulsive force algorithm is presented which loosely emulates the presence of virtual particles in the SPH momentum equation.


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How to Cite

Jones, V., Yang, Q., & McCue-Weil, L. (2010). SPH Boundary Deficiency Correction for Improved Boundary Conditions at Deformable Surfaces. Ship Science & Technology, 4(7), 21–30. https://doi.org/10.25043/19098642.37



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