Analysis of the historical behavior of purchases of goods and services in the repair and maintenance projects of COTECMAR - Bocagrande plant in the last five years
Analysis, historical behavior, uncertainty, purchases, shipyards, repair, maintenance, productsAbstract
This research paper is a historical analysis of repair and maintenance purchases for the Corporation of Science and Technology for the Development of the Naval, Maritime and Fluvial Industry - COTECMAR. More precisely, to the projects from Planta Bocagrande. This analysis, searches for aspects to reduce the uncertainty gap in the purchases, through strategic measures, which facilitate the procurement process. The research model is based on the historical data analysis from purchases between 2015 and 2020. It also applies the ABC-XYZ classification, the Kraljic matrix and the criticality levels of the products. The research presents conclusions and recommendations according to the results from the classification and selection of the most relevant materials or products within the purchasing group, chosen following Pareto's law. Considering that the repair and maintenance business line is a market with high uncertainty and variability, adequate planning is required to improve the competitiveness of the services provided to regional shipyards, as a sample of the effectiveness of the capabilities developed by the Colombian shipbuilding industry.
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