Shallow Water Resistance Estimation for a Riverine Light Patrol Boat using Computational Fluid Dynamics


  • Nicolás Ruiz COTECMAR, Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Bharat Verma COTECMAR, Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Luís Leal COTECMAR, Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Mauricio García COTECMAR, Cartagena, Colombia.



Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD, ship resistance, shallow waters, experimental fluid dynamics


For the design of naval ships, the operational environmental conditions in which ship navigation will take place must be taken into account. The present study presents the effect of shallow water on ship's drag. Numerical simulations using Computational Fluid Dynamics with the Star CCM+ Commercial Software has been performed for sea depths in which the BCFBC Shallow Draft River Combat Boat will perform operations. A full-scale validation campaign of the simulations with the built boat has been developed. The shallow water effect on ship total resistance and the residual resistance for different depths and speed has been evaluated.


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Author Biographies

Nicolás Ruiz, COTECMAR, Cartagena, Colombia.

COTECMAR. Vía Mamonal Km. 9. Cartagena, Colombia.

Bharat Verma, COTECMAR, Cartagena, Colombia.

COTECMAR. Vía Mamonal Km. 9. Cartagena, Colombia.

Luís Leal, COTECMAR, Cartagena, Colombia.

COTECMAR. Vía Mamonal Km. 9. Cartagena, Colombia.

Mauricio García, COTECMAR, Cartagena, Colombia.

COTECMAR. Vía Mamonal Km. 9. Cartagena, Colombia.


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Comisión Colombiana del Oceano CCO Mapa Esquemático de Colombia URL:, (seen: 04/05/2021)

Numeca International AB, Documentation guide Fine Marine v8.2, 2007,Brussels, BELGIUM.




How to Cite

Ruiz, N., Verma, B., Leal, L., & García, M. (2022). Shallow Water Resistance Estimation for a Riverine Light Patrol Boat using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Ship Science & Technology, 15(30), 47–57.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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