Conceptual design of coastal patrol vessel (CPV) with flight deck for the reception and deployment of helicopter
conceptual design, efficiency, design spiral, iterative, mission profileAbstract
This paper presents the development of the conceptual design of a coastal Patrol vessel with the capacity to receive and deploy a helicopter, in order to increase the efficiency of coastguard operations developed by the Colombian National Navy. As a starting point, the design of the coastal patrol vessel built by Cotecmar and named CPV46 was taken, on which modifications were implemented in its main dimensions and distribution of spaces, which allowed to include a flight deck to receive a BELL 412 EP helicopter, complying with the regulations for this type of operations.
This design was developed based on the design spiral method, where each turn of the spiral includes estimates and performance calculations influenced by each other and corresponding to the different stages of the design. For this work, the conceptual design was divided into eight booklets containing the state of the art, mission profile, capacity sizing, naval architecture, propeller selection, generator selection, stability study and cost estimation, concluding in the feasibility of the design based on its cost at a conceptual level.
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