Analysis for use coastguard Offshore Platforms or SWATH Patrol Vessels in the Colombian Pacific Ocean


  • Miguel Calvache Ramírez ARC Armada de la República de Colombia. Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Oscar Raúl García Baquero ARC Armada de la República de Colombia. Cartagena, Colombia.



coast guard, Colombia, offshore platform, SWATH, OMOE


The average cocaine seizure rate of coast guard operations in the Colombian Pacific can be improved. To enhance this indicator, detection and interdiction must be improved. Therefore, the option of using an offshore platform with better detection means, and several Rapid Reasponse Units (RRUs) stationed offshore, is being analyzed. As a result, offshore platforms are neither feasible nor viable due to the depth of the sea floor (> 2 km), but SWATH platforms can be used. The parametric design of two SWATHs is performed and an operational evaluation is made of the different current units and SWATHs. The operational evaluation of the different current units and the proposed SWATHs is carried out and contrasted with their acquisition and life cycle cost, showing that the SWATHs have a better efficiency/cost ratio. Therefore, they can be considered as an alternative to improve the efficiency of cocaine seizures and other coast guard operations.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Calvache Ramírez, ARC Armada de la República de Colombia. Cartagena, Colombia.

ARC Armada de la República de Colombia. Cartagena, Colombia.

Oscar Raúl García Baquero, ARC Armada de la República de Colombia. Cartagena, Colombia.

ARC Armada de la República de Colombia. Cartagena, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Calvache Ramírez, M., & García Baquero, O. R. (2021). Analysis for use coastguard Offshore Platforms or SWATH Patrol Vessels in the Colombian Pacific Ocean. Ship Science & Technology, 14(28), 19–30.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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