Calculation of the Specific Attenuation in Satellite Bands Due to the Rain in the City of Cartagena and its Importance in the Naval Field
Rain attenuation, rain rate, satellite communicationsAbstract
This work studies the attenuation by rain that occurs in the Caribbean region, specifically, in high frequency bands, considering that modern communication systems make greater use of satellite bands. In this sense, the methodology of the recommendation ITU 838 was used to calculate the radio attenuation by rain in the city of Cartagena (Colombia), for the range of 1-100 GHz, and the data provided by the Center of Oceanographic and Hydrographic Research - CIOH were used as atmospheric information sources. As a result, the attenuation for the first quarter of the analyzed years was observed to be low (2.0x10-2 dB/km), growing in the following months until October (1.0x10-1 dB/km), when it decreases again. This information is particularly useful in the naval field, especially, in relation to the use of these frequencies for information exchange.
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