Preliminary design of a management maintenance model of sensitive engineering assets, for a ship under the concept of reliability engineering


  • Jorge Cárdenas Molina Academia Politécnica Naval, Viña del Mar, Chile
  • Ivonne Olguín Valenzuela Academia Politécnica Naval, Viña del Mar, Chile



Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Key Performance In-dicator (KPI), eliability Centred Maintenance (RCM), Maintainability, Reliability


The objective of this research is to apply a dynamic maintenance model to the assets of the engineering department of a navy vessel, based on the concept of reliability engineering, which analyzes the statistics of failures of different equipment, in a period of 140 months, in order to determine which is the most sensible equipment, the failure modes and the impact it produces on the ship’s platform. This way, it is possible to focus on the problems that produce the biggest impact in the capacity of the Unit´s, in order to fulfill its roles, and this way, contribute increase its availability. This is an iterative process of continuous improvement for the maintenance plans.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Cárdenas Molina, Academia Politécnica Naval, Viña del Mar, Chile

Academia Politécnica Naval. Av. Jorge Montt s/n, Viña del Mar, Chile

Ivonne Olguín Valenzuela, Academia Politécnica Naval, Viña del Mar, Chile

Academia Politécnica Naval. Av. Jorge Montt s/n, Viña del Mar, Chile


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How to Cite

Cárdenas Molina, J., & Olguín Valenzuela, I. (2020). Preliminary design of a management maintenance model of sensitive engineering assets, for a ship under the concept of reliability engineering. Ship Science & Technology, 14(27), 9–23.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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