Design and construction of a prototype for the launch and recovery of a “SAAB SEAEYE FALCON” ROV for the diving and salvage department of the Colombian Navy
Diver, Launch, Lars (launch and recovery system for ROV), Recovery, ROV (remote operation vehicle)Abstract
The divers of the Colombian Navy carry out search and salvage operations of equipment that are submerged in maritime or fluvial areas. To be effective, the diving and salvage department must have appropriate equipment to ensure the completion of the inspections carried out; however, since underwater dive inspections are carried out in difficult access or dangerous places, it is necessary to use specialized equipment such as remote operation vehicles - ROV, where the urgent need to implement a launching system for the immersion and subsequent extraction of such equipment is identified.
As a result of the existing problem, the project is built with the purpose of creating a prototype for the immersion and extraction of a “SAAB SEAEYE FALCON” ROV, thus facilitating inspections and reaching depths of 300 meters. For its construction, exploratory research was carried out and a deductive method was applied; modeling was performed using SolidWorks software as a tool for its construction that allowed identifying the best electromechanical structure, and the component to be used for its construction was identified through the study of pure and composite materials, which processes allowed designing and building a LARS prototype that met the operational objectives for which it was proposed.
CÁTEDRA CALCULO DE ELEMENTOS DE MAQUINAS. [On line]. Available on internet:
CORREA Julio, VÁSQUEZ Rafael, RAMÍREZ Juan, TABORDA Elkin, ZULUAGA Carlos, POSADA Norha, LONDOÑO Jorge. Una arquitectura para el diseño conceptual de vehículos para exploración subacuática.
ELEMENTOS DE MAQUINAS. Desmontaje de elementos de máquinas. [On line]. Available on internet: de-elementosdemaquinas.pdf.
ELEMENTOS DE MAQUINAS. Mantenimiento de reductores de velocidad. [On line]. Available on internet: html.
MECÁNICA DE ESTRUCTURAS. Libro 1 resistencia de materiales. [On line]. Available on internet: Resistencia_de_Materiales.pdf.
MOTORES ELÉCTRICOS. [On line]. Available on internet:
ROLLS ROYCE LTD. Our history. [On line]. Available on internet:
SAAB SEAEYE LTD. Saab Seaeye Profile. [On line]. Available on internet:
TECNOLOGÍA. Engranajes. [On line]. Available on internet:
TECNOLOGÍA INDUSTRIAL. ES; resistencia de los materiales [On line]; Available on internet:

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