Seasted Floating City. Innovative Development of a New City Model


  • Lina K. Suárez



Floating city, future cities, floating habitat, innovation


Seastead is a floating city experiment for international waters based on economic studies carried out by the Seasteading Institute, which seeks to increase real estate market growth, driven by an economic incentive dedicated to medical tourism, aquaculture, technology incubators, and support platforms for offshore rigs. A new pre-conceptual model of a floating city was created, conceptualizing an analysis of the floating habitat as a means for development and expansion. is new habitat style was designed taking into account considerations of the marine habitat, current habitats, utopian projects and studies regarding the expansion of urban spaces. e city was designed on a semi-submersible offshore platform chosen through a parametric model made by the Seasteading Institute, which allowed for a final modular array comprised by 300 containers organized by a crane system, this being the organizational system of the city. 


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How to Cite

Suárez L. K. (2016). Seasted Floating City. Innovative Development of a New City Model. Ship Science & Technology, 10(19), 9–17.



Scientific and Technological Research Articles
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