ROV Design for Pluvial Applications
ROVFLUV, Applied Robotics, Mechanical Design, Environmental Protection, Structure AnalysisAbstract
Brazil is a country where disaster levels increase each year due to changing climatic conditions, principallyin the south east region. Disorganized occupation in urban areas, with inadequate structures increasesthe probability of these disasters. This work sought to study environments with high levels of floods and river overflow by using a robot, which could monitor the soil of possibly polluted rivers, as well assediments and detritus. This work shows a proposal for a mechanical structure that will be used as aprototype for future developments. Two different alloys of materials and dimensions were tested for thesame structure; the first one is "2024-T4" aluminum, and second one is "ASI 316” steel. "e best resultsin terms of safety factor (SF) were obtained with the aluminum alloy with 4.64 SF. The structure shows mechanical characteristics that allow the usability for the proposed application; Solid Works was usedfor tests and designs.Downloads
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