A Diagnostic of Diesel-Electric Propulsion for Ships


  • Newton Narciso Pereira


diesel-electric propulsion system, azipod ropulsion, maneuvering, steering


The main objective of this paper is to present an analysis on diesel electric −DE− propulsion systems used on naval, maritime and fluvial ships. There are many advantages and some disadvantages of this system; besides, new propulsion systems have been developed to aid in the maneuvering and steering of ships. Recently, electric ships have employed a very interesting architectural arrangement and these technologies permit achieving more efficiency and a reduction of operational cost and weight. Considerations for propulsion systems utilizing the various types of machine technologies such as the Azipod system are also discussed.


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How to Cite

Narciso Pereira, N. (2008). A Diagnostic of Diesel-Electric Propulsion for Ships. Ship Science & Technology, 1(2), 27–42. Retrieved from https://shipjournalco.biteca.online/index.php/sst/article/view/10



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